Become a Blaze affiliate

Share Text Blaze with your community, and earn 50% of all referred payments.
There's no limit to how much you can earn.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1,400+ Chrome Web Store reviews
500,000+ people use Text Blaze to end repetitive typing

How it works

1. Apply

Apply to join the afiliate program here.

2. Share

Share your affiliate link with your community and audience though any channel.

3. Earn

You'll earn 50% of all your referred users' payments for the first 12 months. There's no limit on how much you can earn

See how much you can earn

Pro user (annual plan)

1 x $36 = $36

You earn $18

Business plan (annual) for a team of 20

20 x $83.88 = $1,678

You earn $839

Business plan (annual) for a team of 50

50 x 12 months x $83.88 = $4,194

You earn $2,097

Ready to become a Text Blaze affiliate?

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