Age calculator that works anywhere with a keyboard shortcut
How old is someone? Sometimes you need to calculate someone's age based on their date of birth or year of birth. To do that, you would typically need stop whatever you're doing and do some math which interrupts your flow, wastes time and is error-prone.
With Text Blaze, you can automate the entire process. Simply type a pre-define shortcut anywhere you are, enter the date of birth and the age will be automatically typed for you.
Age calculator - How old is someone?
Use this snippet to dynamically calculate someone's age based on their date of birth. When you type the keyboard shortcut, the preview below will pop-up. Select the date of birth and it will automatically calculate the age. Press Enter and age will be typed for you.
Just give me the number!
Need to just type the age, without the full sentence? No problem! The snippet below behaves exactly like the snippet above, but the output is just a number - the age.
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