How old is someone born in 1997? Calculate anywhere with AI
If you were born in 1997, how old are you? If I was born in 1997, how old am I? Typically you would need to stop whatever you're doing and do some math which interrupts your flow, wastes time and is error-prone.
How old is someone born in 1997?
{note}{DOB={time: YYYY-MM-DD; shift=-{={time: YYYY}-1997}Y}}{endnote: trim=yes} Someone born before {time: MMM Do; at={=dob}} is {={time: YYYY}-1997} years old. Someone born after {time: MMM Do; at={=dob}} is {={time: YYYY}-1997-1} years old.
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How old is someone born on a given date in 1997?
{note}{default={time: MM/DD/YYYY; shift=-{={time: YYYY}-1997}Y}}{diff={time: X}-{time: X; at={=DOB}}}{endnote: trim=yes} Someone born on {formdate: YYYY-MM-DD; name=DOB; default=1997-01-01} is currently {=floor(diff/(60*60*24*365))} years old.
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