Case Study: Text Blaze at Good Life Property Management
Text Blaze @ Good Life Property Management
Good Life Property Management
Good Life Property Management manages residential property ranging from houses, condos, and small apartment complexes. Our goal is to make rental property very easy: give the required knowledge and onboard owners quickly and easily.
Text Blaze helps us achieve our goals in three ways:
1. Clear, consistent and complete communication
We want to make sure our customers have all the information they need to make the right decision and that they are onboarded correctly.
Text Blaze help us ensure that our communication with owners, tenants and maintenance is complete, consistent and clear.
2. Save time to we can focus on the important things
We get the same questions over and over again, we use snippets to address them quickly so we have time to address the more complex questions and the ones that are more valuable for the company.
3. Quality control
We create miniature checklists in Text Blaze to make sure we provide the right information and eliminate mistakes - is this under warranty? has this been done before? is this a tenant charge or do we need to call for approval.
How we use Text Blaze (with examples)
- Snippets are created by team leads only, who share them with their teams. Before we put new snippets in we review them as a team to make sure that they are accurate, consistent with existing snippets. We also make sure we avoid duplication.
- We use {formtext} to personalize our messages
For example, adding someone’s name or address, adding a lease end date or pro-rated rent.
I hope all is well today!
Thank you for providing your notice to vacate in writing. Please use this email as confirmation that it has been received.
The last day on your lease is: {formtext: name=Lease End Date}.
Attached is a copy of the move-out guidelines. Please note, the last month will be for a pro-rated amount of ${formtext: name=Pro-rate rent}. This is for the last {formtext: name=Days in last month of tenancy} days of tenancy.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!
- {formtoggle} to add or remove parts of the message in real-time.
It allows us to cover multiple scenarios in the snippet and select the correct one when inserting the snippet
For example if a photo is required or not
We received notice from the HOA that {formtext: name=Explain brief description of violation}.
Please confirm receipt of this email with compliance of the HOA rules and regulations.
{formtoggle: name=Select if compliance photo is required.; default=yes}Additionally, please provide us with a photo to confirm compliance in order for this to be closed out. {endformtoggle}
Thank you.
- We lean on {formmenu} the most for quality control and use as a miniature checklist
We use it to ensure the agent selects a value from a predefined list when inserting the snippet
Attempted troubleshooting steps? {formmenu: Yes; None to attempt; default=Not verified}
Verify if active home warranty? {formmenu: Yes (no home warranty); Yes (there is a home warranty); default=Not verified}
Check past work orders? {formmenu: Yes; default=Not verified}
Is this an HOA issue? {formmenu: Yes; No; default=Not verified}
Is the "Brief Description" subject line clear in Meld? {formmenu: Yes/Updated; default=Not verified}
Other Important Information: {formtext}
- {note} is used as internal reminder for the team on policy or next steps.
We put the note in red so the agent sees it. Notes are not visible when the snippet is inserted
We have a policy in place for early lease terminations. There is a required {formmenu: name=Lease Break Fee (Per Lease); default=$750; $395; $995} lease break fee, along with the obligations of the lease until the home is re-rented (rent, utilities, etc). Once the keys are returned to our office, we will immediately begin preparing the home for rent. The home will be placed on the market when it is rent-ready to ensure it is ready for a new tenant.
Thank you!
{note}REMINDER: Attached Lease Break letter to email. Then, start Lease Break Process task. {endnote}
- We use {user} properties to include the agent's information when using a shared snippet. The user properties feature is available on Text Blaze Business version
I hope you are doing well! My name is {user: firstname} and I will be your main point of contact for your property. I left you a voicemail just now. I look forward to working with you!
Make Ready: We plan to visit the property{formtoggle: name=once we have keys; default=yes}once we have keys{endformtoggle} {formtoggle: name=Walkthrough Visit Date; default=no}{formtext: name=date of MRS}{endformtoggle}. We will be in touch within one business day after we visit the property with an inspection report detailing the turnover services necessary to get the property rent ready.
{formtoggle: name=Select if in HOA; default=yes}HOA: If your property is in an HOA, please contact them to update the point of contact to {link:}{endlink}
This will direct all HOA newsletters or violations to us directly so that we can handle them accordingly. Additionally, please send over the Rules & Regulations. It is important for us to review the Rules & Regulations right away to avoid any violations with scheduling vendors or showing the property. {endformtoggle}
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. My direct line is: {user: phonenumber}. Thanks!
We use Text Blaze in all of our apps
We use the following apps to manager our business. Text Blaze is used in all of them:
- Gmail for communications and Gsuite for productivity.
- Appfolio to track expenses and payments.
- Process Street for checklists and workflows
- Property Meld to coordinate maintenance
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