8 Ready-to-Send College Rejection Letter Samples Admissions Teams Can Use Right Awa
If you work in college admissions, you know that sending rejection letters is tough. Nobody wants to tell someone they weren’t accepted into a college/university.
Writing these letters can be tricky, but there are ways to make it easier. If you use templates that can be customized for each application, the process is not only more efficient, but it is easier for you and the applicant as well.
In this article, we’ll discuss how to write a professional and respectful college rejection letter, and even provide you with 8 templates that can help you get started today.
Tips on Writing a College Rejection Letter
Be sympathetic - Receiving a college rejection letter can be a tough situation for someone applying to college. It is important to remember that and remain sympathetic while writing rejection letters.
Remain professional - One of the most critical aspects of writing a college rejection letter is to remain professional. You should attempt to offer sympathy while also remaining professional.
Show appreciation - You should also show your appreciation for applicants’ time and effort throughout the application process, as it takes a lot of time and energy to apply to colleges.
Be clear about your college’s admission process - One of, if not the most important aspects of rejection letters is illustrating the process your college uses for admissions, as well as explaining how many applications you received. This can help an applicant understand why they were not accepted.
Be honest - As the saying goes, honesty is the best policy. This goes for college rejection letters as well. Telling applicants how difficult the decision was and detailing how strenuous the admission process is can help them understand why they were not accepted as well.
Offer advice - One way to remain sympathetic and understanding is to offer advice on how applicants can improve future applications. It can make the rejection process more clear if an applicant understands why they didn’t get accepted and what they can do in the future to improve their chances of getting accepted.
Illustrate your college’s values - The final way to ensure applicants fully understand your application process is to illustrate the values and principles that your college follows.
Use technology to make the process easier - Text Blaze can help you automate the process of writing rejection letters. Keyboard shortcuts allow you to create templates that you can use, and customize, using form commands and dynamic commands. You can create and use templates that you can customize for each application, and ultimately make the rejection process pain-free.

College Rejection Letter Templates
We are writing you to inform you that, unfortunately, we are not able to offer you admission to our University. We received a record number of applications this year, and admission decisions were very difficult, as there were many incredible candidates.
Furthermore, we would like to take this time to acknowledge your accomplishments and the time you spent during this application process. We understand that you might be frustrated during this time.
Although this decision is disappointing, it is important to remember that your hard work and dedication will take you as far as you want to go.
Sincerely, College Admission Staff
We regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you admission during this application cycle. Making these decisions is never easy, and we understand the disappointment you might be feeling.
Here at {formtext: name=University}, we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive study body through our application process. Doing that is no simple feat, and difficult decisions must be made.
We invite you to reapply in the future and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Respectfully, College Admissions Team
We are writing to inform you of our decision on your application during this application cycle. We are sad to say that we are unable to offer you a place with us at our College.
We acknowledge the incredible amount of time and energy you spent on your application and understand how disappointing this decision is for you. The worst part of my job is denying admission to wonderful students like you who seek to make positive changes in their community.
Please know that the college you attend isn't as important as the impact you make, and it is clear from your application that you will absolutely have an impact on your community, wherever you end up. Thank you for your time, energy, and effort during this process.
Sincerely, Dean of Admissions
We write to you to share some difficult information regarding your application to our College. We are unable to offer admission to you right now, and we appreciate the time you put into your application and essays.
From {time: MM-DD-YY; shift=-1Y} to today, we have received over 50,000 applications. We are committed to improving our acceptance rate, which as of {time: MM-DD-YY}, is 60%.
We hope you understand this difficult decision and invite you to reapply in future application cycles. Good luck in your future.
Sincerely, College Admissions Staff
My name is Kennedy, the Dean of Admissions here at the University. I am writing you personally to inform you that I am unable to offer you admission to our school.
I understand how frustrating this might be. You've undoubtedly spent a lot of time and energy on your college applications and essays. This is, without a doubt, the most difficult part of my job. I hate telling qualified candidates, like yourself, that they will be unable to attend this college.
After reading your essays, though, I am sure that you will find a place for yourself. With your skills and talents, you will unquestionably go on to accomplish incredible feats and reach amazing heights. This isn't the end, this is just the beginning for you.
Thank you very much for your time. I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your future.
Respectfully, Kennedy Dean of College Admissions
We have completed our evaluation of your application during the {time: YYYY} application cycle. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer admission to you at this time.
We understand that this may come as a disappointment to you. We hope that you understand the decision, as it was extremely difficult to make admissions decisions this year because of the very talented pool of applications we received.
You might be wondering what it was that led to this decision. It is difficult to point out any weaknesses or flaws, as we receive a great number of applications, and each applicant has an incredible amount of talent and skills to display. The decision we made was less based on your application than on the sheer amount of applicants and the limited number of spaces we can admit each year.
Thank you for your understanding, your time, and your effort throughout this process.
Sincerely, Admissions of University
This is a message to inform you of our admission decision regarding your application. At this time, we are unable to offer admission to you. This is a difficult decision, as we recognized the knowledge and skill you demonstrated through your application. However, admission is becoming more competitive, as more and more applications are submitted each year. We hope you understand this decision.
If you are still interested in attending our college, we will start accepting transfer applications on {time: MM-DD-YY; shift=+6M}. We enroll an average of 500 transfer students each academic year. Please feel free to apply then, or reach out to us at college@email.com.
Thank you for your understanding and time throughout this process. We wish you the best and hope to hear from you again in the future.
Sincerely, Admissions, College
The admissions team has had a look at your application. I am very sorry to share that we are unable to offer you admission to our college. We hope that you understand that this is not a judgment of your abilities or character. We received a record number of applications this year (a whopping 35,000), and that makes decisions like these incredibly difficult.
We invite you to re-apply during the next application cycle, which begins next spring. We do ask that you have the following requirements: {formtoggle: name=3.0 GPA; default=yes}{endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=2 letters of recommendation; default=yes}{endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=2 personal essays; default=yes}{endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=an offical transcript; default=yes}{endformtoggle}
Thank you for your patience and understanding, The Admissions Team at University
Writing and sending rejection letters is never easy. Not only is it difficult news to share, but writing and sending mass amounts of rejection letters can consume lots of time, as many colleges and universities receive thousands of applications per year.
Text Blaze can help you simplify and automate the process of sending rejection letters in no time (really, in under an hour). Form commands can allow you to customize the names of applicants, while date and time commands can allow you to keep application updates and reminders up to date. Give these templates a try, customize them to your needs, and get started today. With Text Blaze, you’re guaranteed to save loads of time and eliminate repetitive typing forever!
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