Decimal to fraction calculator that works anywhere
Sometimes you need to convert a decimal to a fraction. Typically, this means dropping everything, searching a converter online, calculating and then copying the results over. A time consuming and error-prone process that can be avoided.
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Decimal to fraction calculator
Click on the snippet below to see how you can convert decimals to fractions as you type.
Just give me the fraction!
Need to just type fraction? No problem! The snippet below behaves exactly like the snippet above, but the output is just the fraction.
How decimal to fraction conversion works
- Write down the decimal - we'll focus on decimals that terminate (the calculator above uses up to 3 decimal places)
- Divide the decimal by 1 to create a fraction that looks like this: 1.625 / 1
- Multiply both numerator and denominator by 10 until you get a regular fraction: 1625 / 1000
- Divide both by the largest common denominator: (1625 / 125) / (1000 / 125) = 13 / 8 = 1 5/8
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