Follow Up Email to Client After Quotation
Follow-Up Email to Client After Quotation
Prospect ghosting you after receiving a quote isn’t uncommon. Effectively following up after sending a quote can significantly improve the chances of you winning the deal.
In this blog post, we will help you understand how to write a follow-up email to a client after sending a quote to avoid ghosting. We also include 5 sample emails that you can use.
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How to Write a Follow-Up Email to Client After Quote?
If you are writing a follow-up email after sending a quotation, make sure that the email is helpful, contextual, not too long, and defines clear next steps.
In addition to that, the timing of the follow-up email is important. Your timing should convey the right sense of urgency and also take into consideration the prospect’s daily schedule.
Make sure that your follow-up email is open-ended to avoid a simple yes or no response.
Here's a short video that shows how you can use Text Blaze to reply much faster in Gmail.
Follow-Up Email to Client After Quote Sample
Here’s a generic follow-up email template that you could send to virtually any potential client after you send them a quote.
Send Helpful Content - Follow-Up Email to Client After Quote
The potential client may not have all the information they need to make a decision. If you haven’t heard from them in a few days, they may need more resources.
Using Urgency - Follow-Up Email to Client After Quote
You may offer promotional deals or deals to entice potential new clients. But, those should be called out as limited-time exceptions. If you shared a promotional offer with your lead and haven’t heard back, you may need to communicate some urgency in your follow-up email.
Offer Demo - Follow-Up Email to Client After Quote
If you offer a demo of your product or service, you might consider offering that demo to the lead in your follow-up email.
Suggest a Call with an Expert - Sample Follow-Up Email to Client After Quote
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