160 Math Report Card Comments in 2025
Report cards are a great way for teachers to concisely communicate their thoughts to parents and students.
They provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their work so far and make changes as necessary.
Studies show that a majority of parents (64%) believe report cards are an important way to understand how their child is doing academically.
However, if you're a teacher, writing math report card comments can sometimes be tedious, repetitive, and extremely time-consuming.
If you’ve found yourself procrastinating on writing report cards until the last minute - we have you covered!
In this post, we’ll go through over 100 math report card comments that you can use as templates to make writing report cards a breeze.
Why Are Math Report Card Comments Important?
For students learning math, getting feedback is crucial to learning and doing better. It is important for students to see what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong so that they know what to improve on and what to continue doing.
Not only that, but report card comments create a link between the teacher and the student or parent. It provides an opportunity for quality feedback for both the parent and student.
Whether you're getting feedback on Math, English, or other subjects (ESL), report card comments are crucial to learning
Studies show that parental involvement in a child's education improves attendance, behavior, grades, and more.
Check out the best Chrome Extensions & EdTech Tools for time-saving tools for teachers in 2025!
How to Automate Common Phrases & Report Card Comments
Although report card comments are crucial, they can also be frustrating and time-consuming to write.
If you have a class of 25 students and each student gets 3 comments on their math report card, then you have a whopping 75 comments to write. That can take a long time.
Text Blaze helps writing report card comments comments MUCH more efficient. Keyboard shortcuts help you insert common phrases, such as common feedback in report cards, with just a few taps on your keyboard.
Give Text Blaze a try to:
Provide high-quality feedback in a fraction of the time!
Save time and boost productivity for free!
Automate repetitive typing (comments, emails, etc) wherever you work!
160 Math Report Card Comments
Need inspiration for math report card comments? Check out the following for ways to provide feedback to students in 2025.
Feel free to copy and use these templates anywhere with keyboard shortcuts using Text Blaze!
Copy templates to use them anywhere:
Problem Solving Abilities Comments
Grasp of Mathematical Concepts Comments
Arithmetic Comments
Geometry Comments
Use of Graphs Comments
Measurement Ability Comments
Comments for Elementary School
Comments for Middle School
Dynamic Math Report Card Generator Template
This template allows you to quickly create detailed math report card comments as well as personalize them to each student. Give it a try and start saving time today!
Math Report Card Comments Generator for {formtext: name=first name; default=John;cols=9}:
- Problem solving abilities: {formtoggle: name=gradually improving; default=yes}{formtext: name=first name; cols=8} is gradually improving their {formtext: name=insert math skill; cols=13}, but progress is slow due to {formtext: name=insert problem; cols=12}. {endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=gets overwhelmed; default=no}When solving complex math word problems, {formtext: name=first name; cols=8} sometimes becomes overwhelmed with the information, especially for longer math word problems. {endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=good vocab; default=no}{formtext: name=first name; cols=8} has a great vocabulary that helps {formmenu: name=gender; him; default=her} solve math word problems.{endformtoggle}
- Mathematical concepts: {formtoggle: name=addition understanding; default=yes}{formtext: name=first name; cols=8} has a {formmenu: name=rating; strong; default=average; weak} understanding of basic addition.{endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=struggles with; default=no}{formtext: name=first name; cols=8} clearly displays a strong effort in math class, but still struggles with {formtext: name=insert math skill; cols=13}.{endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=failing to memorize; default=no}{formtext: name=first name; cols=8} experiences difficulty in memorizing timetables.{endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=strong grasp of; default=no}{formtext: name=first name; cols=8} demonstrates a {formmenu: name=rating; strong; default=average; weak} grasp of {formtext: name=insert math skill; cols=13}.{endformtoggle} Arithmetic: {formtoggle: name=good at arithmetic; default=yes}{formtext: name=first name; cols=8} is skilled in addition and subtraction, and can apply both concepts to word problems.{endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=need more practice; default=no}{formtext: name=first name; cols=8} requires extra practice to excel in arithmetic.{endformtoggle} {formtoggle: name=should practice memorization; default=no}{formtext: name=first name; cols=8} has a solid understanding of how multiplication works, but could benefit from practicing timetable memorization more. {endformtoggle}{formtoggle: name=good at algebra; default=no}{formtext: name=first name; cols=8} has a solid grasp of algebra and can solve for multiple variables.{endformtoggle}
Want more templates? Check out our templates for educators page for more templates you can use today!
End of Year Report Card Comments Templates
Need to provide feedback to a student at the end of a semester or school year? Give the following templates a try to quickly provide end of year report card comments.
They consistently demonstrate a strong work ethic and a positive attitude towards learning, which has been evident in their work. Moving forward, continuing to build on this foundation will be key for their ongoing success.
It's important for {=firstname} to keep up this positive attitude. Working a bit more on {=subject} will greatly benefit them. I'm confident that with persistent effort, they will achieve great things.
They consistently display {formtext: name=behavior; cols=10}. These social and leadership skills are just as important as academic skills, and {=firstname} excels in these areas.
I encourage {=firstname} to share their thoughts and ideas more often, as their perspective is valuable. Getting more involved in class activities will also help build confidence and collaborative skills.
It's important to remember that progress is more important than perfection. Continuing to focus on understanding key concepts and seeking help when needed will be beneficial. Keep up the good work!
Provide High-Quality Student Feedback With Ease!
Writing math report card comments is important for students, yet it can be boring and take a while to do.
That’s why we created these templates to help you write your comments efficiently.
Text Blaze can help you write report card comments quicker so that you can get back to what’s important: teaching your students.
The best part? Text Blaze is free forever. Give Text Blaze a try for free today!
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Want to turbo charge your work with templates and snippets? Text Blaze is the fastest way to do that.