How to Write Effective Referral Emails + Templates to Help You Get Started
When you think of lead generation, word of mouth is likely not one of the first things that come to your mind. However, according to some studies, word of mouth is one of the most powerful forms of communication in marketing. This means that you should spend at least a little time on referral emails, which help encourage word of mouth through your customers.
In this article, we’ll discuss what referral emails are, how they’re important, and provide you some templates to help you get started.
What are referral emails, and how are they used?
Referral emails are basically emails that you send to your customers that encourage them to spread the word about your products or services to other potential customers.
These emails thank customers for their support, provide information about upcoming promotions, discounts, or events, and ask customers to pass along information to people that might also be interested.
Things to remember while writing a referral email
If you are trying to write are a referral email, here are some tips to keep in mind:
- Write an attention-grabbing subject line - People won’t open your referral email if your subject line is boring.
- Set clear expectations - Make sure that your customers are aware of your company’s expectations when it comes to referrals.
- Understand when and how to utilize incentives - Sometimes, incentives such as money, discounts, or rewards are used with referrals. Know when it is appropriate to use them.
- Only send referral emails to happy customers - Asking a dissatisfied customer for a referral would not only be ineffective, but it’s also just rude. Don’t do it.
- Be genuine and honest - Tell customers how much you appreciate their loyalty and how you would like to reach more people to help them in the same way that you help your current customers.
- Use technology to automate your email - Text Blaze can help you automate your email messages keyboard shortcuts that can help you create templates that can be used anywhere on the internet. You can use Text Blaze to make writing referral emails even simpler and more efficient.

Referral Email Templates
Current Customer Referral Template
Here at Text Blaze, we hope you are satisfied with how much time you've saved with us. We would like to offer this same value to your friends, family, coworkers, and anyone you know!
If there is anyone you know who might be interested in {formtext: name=saving time and boosting productivity; cols=30}, please send us their contact information or have them contact us at the email below.
Again, we thank you for your continued support and loyalty. Customers like you are what makes it great to work at Text Blaze.
Thank you, Grant
Current Customer + Incentive Referral Template
Starting {time: MM-DD-YY; shift=+1W}, Text Blaze will launch our new referral program!
To take advantage of this opportunity, all you have to do is {formtext: name=sign up on our website}.
We would love for you to share this opportunity with those around you to maximize the amount of people we can help save time and boost productivity.
Thank you, as always, for your continued support.
Friend or Family Member Referral Template
I hope everything is going well! I haven’t seen you in a while. I recently started working at Text Blaze helping people save time and boost their productivity.
If you know anyone who might be interested in this, could you send me their contact information?
I enjoy working with this company because of how we {formtext: name=are able to help people save time; cols=27}. I would like to help other people with this as well. Feel free to reach out if you would like to chat!
Thank you, Paige
Former Colleague Referral Template
I hope everything is going well! I just wanted to reconnect and let you know that I recently started working with Text Blaze helping people eliminate repetitive typing.
If you know anyone who might be interested in this, could you possibly send me their contact information or have them contact me?
I enjoy working with this company because {formtext: name= we truly help people save time; cols=25}. I would like to help other people with this as well. If you’d like to chat to catch up, please reach out!
Thank you, Harrison
Partner Company Referral Template
I hope all is well. With your company focusing on improving customer service for startups, I thought I would reach out to see if we could exchange referral information.
I work for Text Blaze, and we focus on helping people save time and boost productivity. One thing that makes us stand out is that we have features that are as simple or advanced as you need.
I would love to schedule a call to discuss this further with you. I’ll add a link to my calendar below, or just let me know what times work best for you!
Thank you, Hailey
Writing and sending referral emails doesn’t have to be complicated. We hope these templates helped you with writing your next referral email. Make sure to use Text Blaze to help you automate your email messaging and responding so that you can focus on other areas of your business.
Here’s a video that shows you how to work 10x faster in Gmail with Text Blaze.
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