5+ VIPKID Feedback Templates and Examples
5+ VIPKID Feedback Templates and Examples
VIPKID prides itself on connecting teachers and students from around the globe; however, one of the aspects educators find tedious is the need to provide class feedback within 12 hours of the class ending.
In this article, you will find 6 VIPKID feedback templates that allow you to submit student feedback easily and quickly. Simply input the names, add a few details and your feedback form is complete.
If you do not leave feedback in the 12-hour time frame set up by VIPKID, you receive a 50% dock in pay. Therefore, besides saving time, you’ll also be earning your full salary by utilizing our templates.
VIPKID Feedback Templates and Examples
The following templates allow you to quickly send feedback to almost every student you encounter. One thing you will notice with all of them is the lack of negativity unless it absolutely needs addressing.
Many parents aren’t overly receptive to reading a long, negative speal about their child. That’s why our templates are worded to showcase what the child excelled at. This allows parents to relish their child’s accomplishments. This will allow you to report on everyone in your class, ranging from new to struggling students.
VIPKID Student Feedback Example - Feedback for a Struggling Student
Some of the grammar concepts we worked on today were a little difficult, so it would be helpful if you would review homophones like ate/eight and they’re/their/there. I know {formtext: name=first name; cols=9} will excel in no time!
I really enjoyed getting to know {formtext: name=first name; cols=9} and seeing how articulate he is in reading! I hope to see {formtext: name=first name; cols=9} again soon.
Kind Regards, Ms. Cara
VIPKID Feedback Template - Feedback for a New Student
I believe with continued lessons, {formtext: name=first name; cols=9} will further his language skills very quickly. We will focus on developing language skills by exploring vocabulary, grammar, spelling, reading, writing, and phonic awareness skills. With this knowledge in hand, {formtext: name=first name; cols=9} will excel in English in no time.
{formtext: name=first name; cols=9} worked very hard today, and I believe he will thrive in our learning environment. I look forward to seeing him progress throughout the lessons. Thank you so much for choosing me as {formtext: name=first name; cols=9}’s teacher! {else}She behaved wonderfully and excelled in classwork today. {formtext: name=first name; cols=9} also made some friends, and I think she will be a great addition to our classroom. We talked about {formparagraph: name=first and secondary lesson items; rows=1} which {formtext: name=first name; cols=9} picked up very quickly. We also discussed {formtext: name=rest of the lesson plan; cols=18}. Some things you may want to work on before we meet again are: {formparagraph: name=insert what child should work on until the next class, i.e. greetings, colors, etc.; cols=38}.
I believe with continued lessons, {formtext: name=first name; cols=9} will further her language skills very quickly. We will focus on developing language skills by exploring vocabulary, grammar, spelling, reading, writing, and phonic awareness skills. With this knowledge in hand, {formtext: name=first name; cols=9} will excel in English in no time.
{formtext: name=first name; cols=9} worked very hard today, and I believe she will thrive in our learning environment. I look forward to seeing her progress throughout the lessons. Thank you so much for choosing me as {formtext: name=first name; cols=9}’s teacher! {endif}
VIPKID Feedback Template for an Excellent Student
VIPKID Feedback Template for a Distracted Student
VIPKID Feedback Template for Students
VIPKID Feedback Template for Grammar
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