5 We Apologize for the Inconvenience Letter Samples
5 We Apologize for the Inconvenience Letter Samples
Writing the dreaded we apologize for the inconvenience letter can feel daunting—especially if someone has made a major mistake. The key to writing a successful letter is to focus on crafting an apology while also making the wronged party want to come back as a consumer.
Below are five inconvenience apology letter samples to inspire crafting the perfect letter. Notice that none of them come across as gushy or overcompensating; instead, they simply address the issue, apologize and include a promise of positive experiences in the future with the service provider company.
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We apologize for The Inconvenience Letter to Your Clients
We are writing to inform you that we recently experienced a security breach. We have taken the necessary steps to prevent this unauthorized access and made changes to our security system to prevent future incidents. You can visit our website for a more thorough explanation.
At this time, we do not believe your information was compromised; however, we strongly recommend setting up your account to enable our two-step verification system. This system will allow your phone to receive a push notification when someone attempts to sign in to your account.
Lithos Corp. is dedicated to providing security for all of our users, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to discuss our new policies, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Best, Leslie Lithos Corp.
Sample We apologize for The Inconvenience Letter
Recently, you experienced an outage in your service with AirCom. We want to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you and explain what happened.
On {time:LL}, a truck ran into one of our cell phone towers on Broadway St. Unfortunately, this caused an outage in the area that lasted several hours. The outage was fixed in a timely manner; however, we understand that your service was affected and would like to apologize for this inconvenience.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know.
Best, Carol AirCom
Sample We apologize for The Inconvenience Letter
Dear {formtext: name=first name; cols=8},
My name is Sheila, the Customer Service Manager of Trident Corp. I understand that you recently experienced a delay in {formmenu: name=shipping; shipping; default=delivery; service; resolution; upgrade}. I’d like to let you know that steps have been taken to ensure this never happens again, {formmenu: name=including; default=including, shipping within 24 hours and providing customers with a tracking code; including, automatic escalation of the request if it is unresolved after 24 hours}. I realize that this does not immediately rectify your experience; however, I promise you it will not happen again.
Please accept my sincere apologies for your recent experience with our company. Trident Corp. is dedicated to providing excellent customer service, and unfortunately, you did not receive our best.
We value your relationship with Trident Corp. and hope to provide you with the service you deserve in the future.
Trident Corp.
We apologize for The Inconvenience Letter to the Customer Sample
Hi {formtext: name=first name; cols=8},
Thank you for your patience while we’ve sorted this out. After further review, we realized {formtext: name=source of the problem; cols=18} and fixed it.
Your relationship with us is extremely important, and we hope any inconvenience experienced owing to this issue will not dissuade you from continuing to work with us in the future.
To ensure this does not happen again, we have taken the following steps:
{formparagraph: name=We have set up an automated system to give us continuous updates on what is in stock and we have trained our team to make daily updates on our stock; cols=50; rows=5}
Again, we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.
We apologize for The Inconvenience Letter to the Customer
My name is Evelia and I am the Customer Service Manager at FastDeals. It has come to my attention that you received poor service from one of our customer service representatives on {time: LL}. As you are one of our most valued customers, I wanted to personally apologize for any inconvenience your experience with the rep may have caused.
I have taken the necessary steps with the employee to ensure this does not happen again, including retraining on delivering proper customer service.
To ensure your continued use of FastDeals and to make up for the poor-quality service you received, I would like to offer you 10% off on your next purchase. I realize this cannot reverse the past experience; however, we hope you will continue using eBay for all of your online shopping needs.
Best, Evelia
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