Top Ways Text Blaze Can Save You Time

Writing Lesson Plans

Quickly insert placeholders for lesson details, making it easy to customize plans for many classes.

Creating Tests

Use Text Blaze to easily copy and paste the relevant content from your lesson plan into a test format.

Grading & Feedback

Streamline the grading process by providing personalized feedback efficiently.

Try the FREE version today.

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1,400+ Chrome Web Store reviews
500,000+ people use Text Blaze to end repetitive typing
I have a crazy number of students and this facilitates grading papers and providing students with meaningful feedback.
Bridget Bailey
This app saves me hours every single week. In the height of my busy season, it saves me hours on a daily basis.
Megan Justice
Using Text Blaze I'm able to give students in my online courses substantive feedback, connect them to skill-specific instructional videos, and detailed notes for growth with just a few keystrokes.
Sarah Hughes

Reclaim Your Teaching Time

Learn how educators are using TextBlaze to spend less time on tasks and more time with students.

Download Extension –  It's Free! Go to Dashboard Schedule a demo
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 1,400+ Chrome Web Store reviews
500,000+ people use Text Blaze to end repetitive typing

Reclaim your time without losing focus on your students

Create time-saving templates for everything you do: grading papers, creating rubrics, writing feedback for assignments, emailing students and parents, or planning lessons.

Eliminate repetitive typing with dynamic templates triggered by keyboard shortcuts. Text Blaze users save as much as 28 hours of time per month.

Custom, personalized templates that work everywhere you work

Create templates for common tasks such as grading papers, writing report cards, emailing students and parents or planning lessons and save them as keyboard shortcuts: no integration required.

These templates are available everywhere you work, and are used with simple keyboard shortcuts.

Trusted and loved by teams
in hundreds of schools across the world