How Cranky Concierge Soars in Brand Consistency Using Text Blaze
I’m Kevin Roberts, the Vice President of Business Development at Cranky Concierge.
Cranky Concierge strives to be the most useful and worry-free travel service available for all travelers.
We often communicate with clients via email as we help them plan trips and travel arrangements. Accurate and effective email communication is paramount to our everyday work
We use Text Blaze to:
Communicate With Clients & Increase Brand Consistency - We use Text Blaze snippets to quickly send emails, such as responses to customer inquiries & instructions for customers, which helps us respond faster and be more consistent.
Improve Employee Decision-Making & Automate Repetitive Tasks - Text Blaze allows us to control snippet behavior, which allows us to create templates for any situation and get the right message across when communicating with clients.
Reduce Risks and Errors - Text Blaze helps us perform routine tasks such as data management in a safe and effective way. This helps us reduce risk (financial & time) greatly.
Communicate With Clients & Increase Brand Consistency
When planning travel arrangements for clients, effective communication is paramount. We need to make sure that we cover all aspects of travel planning effectively.
Text Blaze snippets help us quickly and consistently communicate with clients using templates that we can customize to help us get the right message across each time we email a client.
For example, we use a snippet to quickly find any link we need when communicating with clients. Instead of searching our site, we can use this snippet to quickly send links and communicate with clients:
Services {formtoggle: name=Domestic Travel Planning}Domestic Travel Planning{endformtoggle} {formtoggle: name=International Travel Planning}International Travel Planning{endformtoggle} {formtoggle: name=International Award Planning}International Award Planning{endformtoggle} {formtoggle: name=Urgent Assistance}Urgent Assistance{endformtoggle}
Pax Detail Forms {formtoggle: name=Passenger Info}Passenger Information{endformtoggle} {formtoggle: name=Payment Info}Credit Card Information{endformtoggle}
Media {formtoggle: name=CC News}CC News{endformtoggle} {formtoggle: name=CC Podcast}CC Podcast{endformtoggle} {formtoggle: name=CC Blog}CC Blog{endformtoggle}
We also use Text Blaze to make sure that we send the right message when communicating with our clients.
For example, when a potential client reaches out to us, we use Text Blaze to respond based on the package name and level they are interested in.
The following snippet helps us send the right message based on the client’s package choices:
{note}Referrer: {formmenu: default=Not Listed; Happy Travel Company; Amazing Trip Inc; name=Referrer}
{endnote: trim=right}
{if: referrer="Not Listed"; trim=right}
{note: trim=right}
Rack Rates
Package Name: {formmenu: default=Domestic; International; International Award; name=packagename}
Package Level: {formmenu: default=Essential; Starter; Premium; name=packagelevel}
{endnote: trim=right}
{else: trim=right}
{note: trim=right}
Partner Package Level: {formmenu: Domestic; default=International; International Award; name=package name}
{endnote: trim=right} {endif: trim=right}
Thanks for your note. We'll be happy to help you with this trip. Please allow me to explain how our service works.
Our primary expertise is air travel, which includes everything from planning and booking flights to helping with issues that arise during travel. Here are just a few things we can do:
- Provide you with options based on your criteria and use our resources to give as much detail on each option (legroom, meals, terminal conditions, etc) as you would like.
- After we've booked your flights, we monitor schedule changes and let you know if any changes require your attention.
- Keep an eye on things during your travels, send you updates, and help if you encounter delays cancellations, or other air-related trouble.
You can find more information here: {if: referrer="Not Listed"; trim=right}
), " ", "-"))}.
{else: trim=right}
), " ", "-"))}.
{endif: trim=right}
We're looking forward to working with you!
Improve Employee Decision-Making & Automate Repetitive Tasks
Text Blaze also helps make work easier for new employees and people new to the travel industry, as Text Blaze helps us create templates to keep us on the same page and save time.
For example, when speaking with an airline on the phone, it is faster and less prone to misunderstandings to communicate a client’s confirmation using the NATO alphabet and this can be difficult for people who aren’t familiar with it.
Text Blaze does the work for us, as we use a snippet that automatically converts confirmation numbers into the NATO alphabet. This makes work easier for us as well as saves us time since we don’t have to convert it manually.
{note: trim=right; preview=no} {list=["A": "Alpha AL-FAH", "B": "Bravo BRAH-VOH", "C": "Charlie CHAR-LEE", "D": "Delta DELL-TAH", "E": "Echo ECK-OH", "F": "Foxtrot FOKS-TROT", "G": "Golf GOLF", "H": "Hotel HO-TELL", "I": "India IN-DEE-AH", "J": "Juliett JEW-LEE-ETT", "K": "Kilo KEY-LOH", "L": "Lima LEE MAH", "M": "Mike MIKE", "N": "November NO-VEM-BER", "O": "Oscar OSS-CAH", "P": "Papa PAH-PAH", "Q": "Quebec KEH-BECK", "R": "Romeo ROW-ME-OH", "S": "Sierra SEE-AIR-RAH", "T": "Tango TANG-GO", "U": "Uniform", "V": "Victor VIK-TAH", "W": "Whiskey WISS-KEY", "X": "X-ray ECKS-RAY", "Y": "Yankee YANG-KEY", "Z": "Zulu ZOO-LOO", "0": "Zero", "1": "One", "2": "Two", "3": "Three", "4": "Four", "5": "Five FIFE", "6": "Six", "7": "Seven", "8": "Eight", "9": "Niner"]}
{digit=upper(split({=Conversion}, ""))}
{endnote: trim=right}
{formtext: name=Conversion; default=BYN793LO6C8}
{if: Conversion=""; trim=right}
Please enter what you want translated.
{else: trim=right}
{repeat: for letter in digit; trim=right}
{endrepeat: trim=right}
{endif: trim=right}
Reduce Risks and Errors
Making mistakes when communicating with clients not only leads to lost time, but it can also have a financial impact as well.
Text Blaze helps us reduce risks and mistakes by making sure that we communicate effectively. Using Text Blaze snippets helps us communicate clearly and effectively with clients, which results in less errors and risk for us.
For example, we use a Text Blaze snippet to update clients of held tickets. This template is customizable and allows us to make sure we effectively update the client on the status of their tickets and our plan for purchasing them.
{note}Referrer: {formmenu: default=Not Listed; Happy Travel Company; Amazing Trip Inc; name=Referrer}
{endnote: trim=right}
{if: referrer="Not Listed"}{note}Rack Rates
Package Name: {formmenu: default=Domestic; International; International Award; name=packagename}
Package Level: {formmenu: default=Essential; Starter; Premium; name=packagelevel}
{endnote: trim=right}
This is on hold but not ticketed. for you to review for accuracy. This is including but is not limited to: names, dates, flights, cities, and class of service.
- The hold expires {formtext: name=expiration; default=tomorrow, Jan 10th at 11:59pm PT; cols=30}
- The fare isn't guaranteed until ticketing, but right now this is pricing at {formmenu: default=$; €; £; name=currency}{formtext: name=price; default=125; cols=10} {formmenu: default=per person; total; name=price type}
{note}Number of different tickets: {formmenu: default=1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; name=tickets}
{endnote: trim=right}
- Price difference plus any penalties apply.
- {note}Change fee? {formmenu: add fee; default=no fee; name=fee}{endnote} {if: fee="no fee"}This ticket does not have a charge penalty.{elseif: fee="add fee"}This ticket has a ${formtext: name=fee number; default=50; cols=10} fee.{endif}
- We charge ${if:
="International Award"}150{endif} to facilitate changes.
This ticket is {formmenu: refundable; default=nonrefundable; name=refundable}.
- {formtext: name=Seats; cols=20; default=TBC}{if: seats=""}{error: This is Blank}{endif}{formtoggle: name=Paid Seats; default=yes}{endformtoggle}
- Please let us know if you would like to move forward with paid seats and we can purchase those after ticketing. Please note that paid seats are not refundable.
Ticket Charge
- We have an {formmenu: Visa; Mastercard; default=Amex; name=card type} ending in {formtext: name=Last four digits; cols=20; default=****} on file for you and plan to use this card for the tickets. If this isn't the card you'd like us to use, please let us know before ticketing. {endif: trim=yes}
{if: referrer="Happy Travel Company"; trim=right}
{note}Partner Package Level: {formmenu: default=Domestic; International; International Award; name=packagename}
{endnote: trim=right}
This is on hold but not ticketed. for you to review for accuracy. This is including but is not limited to: names, dates, flights, cities, and class of service.
- The hold expires {formtext: name=expiration; default=tomorrow, Jan 10th at 11:59pm PT; cols=30}
- The fare isn't guaranteed until ticketing, but right now this is pricing at {formmenu: default=$; €; £; name=currency}{formtext: name=price; default=0; cols=10} {formmenu: default=per person; total; name=price type}
{note}Number of different tickets: {formmenu: default=1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; name=tickets}
{endnote: trim=right}
- Price difference plus any penalties apply.
- {note}Change fee? {formmenu: add fee; default=no fee; name=fee}{endnote} {if: fee="no fee"}This ticket does not have a charge penalty.{elseif: fee="add fee"}This ticket has a ${formtext: name=fee number; default=50; cols=10} fee.{endif}
- We charge ${if:
="International Award"}200{endif} to facilitate changes.
- This ticket is {formmenu: refundable; default=nonrefundable; name=refundable}.
- {formtext: name=Seats; cols=20; default=TBC}{if: seats=""}{error: This is Blank}{endif}{formtoggle: name=Paid Seats; default=yes}{endformtoggle}
- Please let us know if you would like to move forward with paid seats and we can purchase those after ticketing. Please note that paid seats are not refundable.
Ticket Charge
- We have an {formmenu: Visa; Mastercard; default=Amex; name=card type} ending in {formtext: name=Last four digits; cols=20; default=****} on file for you and plan to use this card for the tickets. If this isn't the card you'd like us to use, please let us know before ticketing.{endif: trim=yes}
{if: referrer="Amazing Trip Inc"}
{note}Partner Package Level: {formmenu: default=Domestic; International; International Award; name=packagename}
{endnote: trim=right}
This is on hold but not ticketed. for you to review for accuracy. This is including but is not limited to: names, dates, flights, cities, and class of service.
- The hold expires {formtext: name=expiration; default=tomorrow, Jan 10th at 11:59pm PT; cols=30}
- The fare isn't guaranteed until ticketing, but right now this is pricing at {formmenu: default=$; €; £; name=currency}{formtext: name=price; default=0; cols=10} {formmenu: default=per person; total; name=price type}
{note}Number of different tickets: {formmenu: default=1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; name=tickets}
{endnote: trim=right}
- Price difference plus any penalties apply.
- {note}Change fee? {formmenu: add fee; default=no fee; name=fee}{endnote} {if: fee="no fee"}This ticket does not have a charge penalty.{elseif: fee="add fee"}This ticket has a ${formtext: name=fee number; default=50; cols=10} fee.{endif}
- We charge ${if:
="International Award"}250{endif} to facilitate changes.
- This ticket is {formmenu: refundable; default=nonrefundable; name=refundable}.
- {formtext: name=Seats; cols=20}{if: seats=""}{error: This is Blank}{endif}{formtoggle: name=Paid Seats; default=yes}{endformtoggle}
- Please let us know if you would like to move forward with paid seats and we can purchase those after ticketing. Please note that paid seats are not refundable.
Ticket Charge
- We have an {formmenu: Visa; Mastercard; default=Amex; name=card type} ending in {formtext: name=Last four digits; cols=20; default=****} on file for you and plan to use this card for the tickets. If this isn't the card you'd like us to use, please let us know before ticketing.{endif: trim=yes}