Snippets for Teachers and Educators
Copy templates to use them anywhere:
Provide High-Quality Feedback Fast
Students depend on your feedback to improve and course-correct. When you have a large number of students and lots of assignments, being specific and personal can be a big challenge.
The templates allow you to educate your students with the best advice, without having to type it multiple times per day. They'll help give your students personalized and detailed feedback you'll be proud of.
Positive Feedback
Constructive Feedback
See this video for clarification:
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Tips for Personalizing Feedback
Quickly adding feedback is great, and dynamic commands help to further-personalize that feedback for every student and every situation.
The example below uses the Form text command and the Form menu command so you can dynamically change the feedback's contents each time it's used.
An alternative to form fields, the Cursor command places your typing cursor at the location where you need to add the necessary details. No need to touch the mouse or click anywhere.
Great effort with your homework.
Please review {cursor} of your grammar workbook to help out with the sticking points that I highlighted in my review.
Keep up the great work! :-)
Quick Grading Snippets
Grading exams and assignments is a big part of the job.
Using the snippets below, you can produce grading reports in seconds.
Test Score
This snippet uses the Form Text command to create fields where you specify the student’s grade and the pass mark.
The If command is used to conditionally change the content based on a Text Blaze Formula (“is the student’s mark higher than the pass mark?”) that will result in a “yes” or “no”, and automatically change the text based on whether the student has passed or failed.
The pass mark was {formtext: name=benchmark; default=50}.
{if: score < benchmark; trim=right} Unfortunately, this means you did not receive a passing grade. Please review the materials and try to prepare better for the next test! {else: trim=right} Congratulations, you passed. Keep up the good work. {endif}
Essay Grading Rubric Template
Just pick your preferred options from the dropdown menus and enter the score for each section. Text Blaze will automatically sum up all of the scores and present the entire report with just a few clicks.
This snippet uses the Form Menu command, which creates a menu field to pick a choice from a list of items. At the end, a Text Blaze Formula is used to sum up the scores.
Vocabulary Score: {formtext: default=5; cols=3; name=vocabulary}/10 Remarks: {formmenu: Strong word usage with a wide range of new words, expressions and engaging responses.; Good vocabulary and response.; default=Adequate vocabulary but little to no attempt to vary expressions or use new words.; Below average vocabulary and incorrect use of words. Difficult to understand.; Incomplete sentences or use of fragments, with repetitive or inappropriate word usage.; No attempt/irrelevant answer.; cols=50}
Grammar Score: {formtext: default=5; cols=3; name=grammar}/10 Remarks: {formmenu: No grammatical errors.; Minimal syntax errors that do not interfere with communication.; default=Frequent errors.; Multiple errors in the basic structure, which interfere with communication.; Most sentence structures are incorrect. Frequent use of infinitives with little to no use of conjugations. Not understandable unless the reader has experience with the writer.; No attempt at completing the assignment—indecipherable responses.; cols=50}
Content Score: {formtext: default=5; cols=3; name=content}/10 Remarks: {formmenu: Contextualizes subject well. Almost error-free and attempts to write like a native speaker.; Occasional errors but easy to comprehend and generally correct.; default=Frequent errors that make the writing lose its meaning. The reader needs to guess what they’re reading about. Hard to follow. Possible use of an online translator.; Frequent errors that make the piece difficult to comprehend.; Multiple errors. Many phrases are not comprehensible and the main idea is not communicated.; No attempt at completing the assignment. Topic does not fit assignment parameters.; cols=50}
Voice Score: {formtext: default=5; cols=3; name=voice}/10 Remarks: {formmenu: The writer’s distinct voice comes through in their writing. Words are used correctly to emphasize points.; The writer’s voice sometimes comes through in the assignment and the intended audience is understood.; default=The writer delivers an average voice in the assignment with a general understanding of the audience.; A weak voice throughout the assignment. Vague to little understanding of the audience.; No voice in the assignment. Little effort to understand the audience.; No attempt to complete the assignment.; cols=50}
Paper Organization Score: {formtext: default=5; cols=3; name=organization}/10 Remarks: {formmenu: Smooth flow with excellent use of transitions and proper punctuation.; An effort to use transitions. Flows well and all clauses used in the correct context.; default=Choppy—obviously translated but still comprehensible.; Redundant use of information. The language used is well below the expected level.; Wrong phrases, isolated words and uses unrelated vocabulary.; Incomprehensible—no effort.; cols=50}
Quality Score: {formtext: default=5; cols=3; name=quality}/10 Remarks: {formmenu: Confident and focused writing that holds the audience’s attention with relevant details.; Focused writing with some relevant details.; default=Quality writing with limited details.; Writing is incomprehensible—no details.; Limited writing that does not adequately express or develop ideas.; Limited writing with no clear focus or theme. No attempt at completing the assignment.; cols=50}
Your writing score: {=quality+organization+voice+content+grammar+vocabulary}.
Weekly Student Progress Report
The snippet below uses the Form Text command, the Form Menu command, and the If command and Text Blaze Formulas.
It also uses Autopilot features to add text to multiple locations of a web form. It will fill out the first section of a form then automatically "press" the tab key to move to the next section, adding the rest of the contents there.
I am {formmenu: name=rating; disappointed; pleased; default=very satisfied} with {=name}'s progress from the previous week{if: rating = "very satisfied"} and I hope to continue seeing such improvement in the upcoming weeks.{else}.
For next week, I have urged {=name} to focus more on the following:
{if: grammar <> "Considerable progress"}Grammar - To review {formtext: cols=10} of the related text book. {endif: trim=right} {if: essaywriting <> "Considerable progress"}Essay writing - To review {formtext: cols=10} of the related text book. {endif: trim=right} {if: conversation <> "Considerable progress"}Conversation - To review {formtext: cols=10} of the related text book.{endif: trim=right}{endif: trim=right}
Calculations and Tools
Text Blaze snippets can do much more than just generate text. They can also perform calculations and automate manual tasks for you.
Below are some ready-to-use utilities that can help make the job of an educator a little easier.
Grade Weighting Calculator
Enter grades for individual assignments and give each of them a weight, totalling 100%. The snippet will output a final, weighted grade from those assignments.
{note}Number of assignments: {formtext: default=3; name=num} {endnote}
Assignment Name{note} (optional){endnote} | Grade | Weight |
{repeat: num; locals=weighting}{formtext: name=Assignment Name; cols=28} | {formtext: name=grade; cols=5} | {formtext: name=weight; cols=6}%{weightedscore=grade*weight}{endrepeat} |
{if: weightingtotal<>100}{error: Weighting percentages must add up to 100%; block=yes}{else}Weighted Grade: {=finaltotal; format=.0%}{endif}{weightingtotal=sum(map(weighting, x -> x["weight"]))}{finaltotal=(sum(map(weighting, z -> z["weightedscore"]))/100)/100}
Grade Curve Calculator
Sometimes a curve needs to be applied to individual scores for a test or assignment. This snippet will automatically calculate new scores based on a curve.
Highest Test Grade (%): {formtext: default=80; name=highest}%
Scaled Grade (%): {=(og*(100/highest))/100; format=.2%}
Pythagorean Theorem Solver
Use Text Blaze to complete the Pythagorean Theorem and to calculate other dimensions of right triangles.
a: {formtext: name=a}
b: {formtext: name=b}
c: {formtext: name=c}{letters=yes if testregex(a, "[a-z]|[A-Z]") OR testregex(b, "[a-z]|[A-Z]") OR testregex(c, "[a-z]|[A-Z]") else no}{impossible=yes if a<>"" and b="" and c<>"" and (a>c or a=c) else yes if a="" and b<>"" and c<>"" and (b>c or b=c) else no} {endnote} {if: letters}{error: Only enter numbers}{elseif: impossible}{error: The value for the hypotenuse must be larger than the legs}{elseif: a<>"" and b<>"" and c<>"" and not letters and not impossible}{error: Please enter only two starting values}{endif}{if: a<>"" and b<>"" and c="" and not letters and not impossible}{avalue=a}{bvalue=b}{cvalue=sqrt((a^2)+(b^2))}c = {=round(cvalue*100)/100}, or √ ({=round(((a^2)+(b^2))*100)/100}){elseif: a<>"" and b="" and c<>"" and not letters and not impossible}{avalue=a}{bvalue=sqrt((c^2)-(a^2))}{cvalue=c}b = {=round(bvalue*100)/100}, or √ ({=round(((c^2)-(a^2))*100)/100}){elseif: a="" and b<>"" and c<>"" and not letters and not impossible}{avalue=sqrt((c^2)-(b^2))}{bvalue=b}{cvalue=c}a = {=round(avalue)}, or √ ({=round(((c^2)-(b^2))*100)/100}){endif} Area: {=catch(round(((avalue*bvalue)/2)*100)/100, "Provide values to calculate")} Perimeter: {=catch(round((avalue+bvalue+cvalue)*100)/100, "Provide values to calculate")} ∠α: {=catch(round(asin(avalue/cvalue)*100)/100, "Provide values to calculate")}° or {=catch(round(((asin(avalue/cvalue))*(3.1415926535/180))*100)/100, "null")} rads ∠β: {=catch(round((asin(bvalue/cvalue)*100))/100, "Provide values to calculate")}° or {=catch(round(((asin(bvalue/cvalue))*(3.1415926535/180))*100)/100, "null")} rads Height: {=catch(round((((avalue*bvalue)/cvalue))*100)/100, "Provide values to calculate")}
Save Time Writing Common Messages
Administrative work and correspondence are an inescapable part of working within an organization.
It’s easy to underestimate how many times per day we write, “Thank you for your email” or “Best regards”.
These snippets will quickly write these common messages for you in a fraction of the time.
Email Signature
Feel free to customize and use this snippet to quickly add a signature (with or without links) to your emails and messages.
How to Create and Edit Snippets Yourself
These snippets include dynamic commands. If you’re interested in learning how to create these yourself, visit the pages below to learn more.
- Forms (to turn your snippets into customizable templates) (Pro feature)
- Time
- Formulas (Pro feature)
- If/else conditions (rules and validation) (Pro feature)
- Once you get comfortable with these features, head to your dashboard and give it a try yourself!
You can also copy these snippets directly into your dashboard and customize them to fit your needs.