Weekly Progress Report Template
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Weekly Student Progress Report
Text Blaze can help you fill out online forms super fast, by simulating pressing keyboard keys.
The snippet below uses the Form Text command, the Form Menu command, and the If command and Text Blaze Formulas.
{note}Student's name: {endnote}{formtext: name=name}{key: tab; trim=right} Progress from previous week: Grammar: {formmenu: No progress; default=Reasonable progress; Considerable progress; name=grammar} Essay writing: {formmenu: No progress; default=Reasonable progress; Considerable progress; name=essaywriting} Conversation: {formmenu: No progress; default=Reasonable progress; Considerable progress; name=conversation}
I am {formmenu: name=rating; disappointed; pleased; default=very satisfied} with {=name}'s progress from the previous week{if: rating = "very satisfied"} and I hope to continue seeing such improvement in the upcoming weeks.{else}.
For next week, I have urged {=name} to focus more on the following:
{if: grammar <> "Considerable progress"}Grammar - To review {formtext: cols=10} of the related text book. {endif: trim=right} {if: essaywriting <> "Considerable progress"}Essay writing - To review {formtext: cols=10} of the related text book. {endif: trim=right} {if: conversation <> "Considerable progress"}Conversation - To review {formtext: cols=10} of the related text book.{endif: trim=right}{endif: trim=right}