Grade Weight Calculator for Educators
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When calculating a student's final grade, not every assignment is weighted the same. Rather than just taking an average of all grades, applying weights to each assignment can provide a more accurate picture of their performance.
This snippet, or template, is a calculator that automatically determines a final grade across multiple assignments. Set the number of assignments, provide the scores, and assign weights to them - we'll take care of the math.
Get the Grade Weight Calculator
{note}Number of assignments: {formtext: default=3; name=num} {endnote}
Assignment Name{note} (optional){endnote} | Grade | Weight |
{repeat: num; locals=weighting}{formtext: name=Assignment Name; cols=28} | {formtext: name=grade; cols=5} | {formtext: name=weight; cols=6}%{weightedscore=grade*weight}{endrepeat} |
{if: weightingtotal<>100}{error: Weighting percentages must add up to 100%; block=yes}{else}Weighted Grade: {=finaltotal; format=.0%}{endif}{weightingtotal=sum(map(weighting, x -> x["weight"]))}{finaltotal=(sum(map(weighting, z -> z["weightedscore"]))/100)/100}