Note Generator for Allergies and Prescriptions for Doctors and Nurses to Use in an EMR
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Allergy and Prescription Templates
These dot phrase templates, or snippets, help you quickly and accurately record information about patients’ allergies and prescriptions.
Click the "Copy to Text Blaze" button above each example below to copy it to your account. Once in your account, you can use these snippets in virtually any EMR.
The snippet below uses the Form Menu command, a drop-down menu, and Formulas. You can also change the list of antibiotics to suit your most commonly-prescribed medication.

This snippet can be used to quickly list a patient’s allergies. It uses the formmenu command.
You can use this snippet to quickly prescribe medications to patients while communicating online. It uses the if command, the note command, and the formmenu command.
{note}Prescribe Ciprofloxacin type:{formmenu: default=Pills; Eye drops; Cipro-only ear drops; Cipro-Steroid ear drops; name=condition}
{endnote: trim=right}
{if: condition="Pills"; trim=yes} Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) {formmenu: 250; default=500; multiple=no} mg has been electronically prescribed. Take one tablet every 12 hours (twice daily) for {formmenu: default=3; 5; 7} days
{elseif: condition="Eye drops"; trim=yes} Ciprofloxacin 0.3% eye drops has been electronically prescribed for conjunctivitis (bacterial eye infection) Place 1 to 2 drops into the eyes 4 times daily for 5 to 7 days
{elseif: condition="Cipro-only ear drops"; trim=yes} Ciprofloxcin ear drops have been electronically prescribed for otitis externa (ear canal infection) Instill contents of 1 single-dose container into affected ear twice daily for 7 days
{elseif: condition="Cipro-Steroid ear drops"; trim=yes} Ciprodex (antibiotic + steroid) ear drops have been electronically prescribed for otitis externa (ear canal infection) Instill 4 drops into affected ear(s) twice daily for 7 days{endif: trim=yes}