Dynamic List of Symptoms
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With Text Blaze, you can quickly generate a list of symptoms using Text Blaze's drop-down menus.
In the snippet below, the options selected for the 'Notes symptoms' menu are automatically removed from the options for the 'Denies' menu.
This way, if you are using the snippet to to take notes while meeting with a patient, you can quickly find the symptoms the patient reports and denies having in seconds.
List of symptoms
{note}{symptoms_list=["general malaise", "body aches", "headache", "fever/chills", "sinus pressure", "nasal congestion", "nasal discharge or post-nasal drip", "sore throat", "white patches on the tonsils", "throat discomfort/throat clearing", "cough", "loss of taste/smell", "swollen lymph nodes"]}{endnote: trim=yes}
Notes symptoms of: {formmenu: values={=symptoms_list}; multiple=yes; name=yes_symptoms}
{note}{no_options=filter(symptoms_list, item -> not includes(yes_symptoms, item))}{endnote: trim=yes}
Denies related symptoms of: {formmenu: values={=no_options}; multiple=yes}
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