Automatically Calculate the Framingham Risk Score and 10-year Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk
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The Framingham Risk Score is a widely used tool in cardiovascular medicine for assessing an individual's 10-year risk of developing coronary heart disease (CHD). Using this score, doctors can estimate the likelihood of a patient experiencing a heart-related event within the next decade and tailor preventive strategies accordingly.
This Text Blaze snippet automatically calculates a patient's Framingham Risk Score, as well as the associated 10-year Cardiovascular Disease Risk and recommended interventions.
Get the Framingham Risk Score Calculator
Framingham Risk Score Calculator
Gender: {formmenu: male; female; name=gender}
Age: {formmenu: 30-34; 35-39; 40-44; 45-49; 50-54; 55-59; 60-64; 65-69; 70-74; 75+; name=age} -- Risk Points: {if: gender="male"}{agerisk=0 if age="30-34" else 2 if age="35-39" else 5 if age="40-44" else 7 if age="45-49" else 8 if age="50-54" else 10 if age="55-59" else 11 if age="60-64" else 12 if age="65-69" else 14 if age="70-74" else 15}{elseif: gender="female"}{agerisk=0 if age="30-34" else 2 if age="35-39" else 4 if age="40-44" else 5 if age="45-49" else 7 if age="50-54" else 8 if age="55-59" else 9 if age="60-64" else 10 if age="65-69" else 11 if age="70-74" else 12}{endif}{=agerisk}
HDL-C (mmol/L): {formmenu: >1.6; 1.3-1.6; 1.2-1.29; 0.9-1.19; <0.9; name=hdlc} -- Risk Points: {hdlcrisk=-2 if hdlc=">1.6" else -1 if hdlc="1.3-1.6" else 0 if hdlc="1.2-1.29" else 1 if hdlc="0.9-1.19" else 2}{=hdlcrisk}
Total Cholesterol: {formmenu: <4.1; 4.1-5.19; 5.2-6.19; 6.2-7.2; >7.2; name=cholesterol} -- Risk Points: {if: gender="male"}{cholesterolrisk=0 if cholesterol="<4.1" else 1 if cholesterol="4.1-5.19" else 2 if cholesterol="5.2-6.19" else 3 if cholesterol="6.2-7.2" else 4}{elseif: gender="female"}{cholesterolrisk=0 if cholesterol="<4.1" else 1 if cholesterol="4.1-5.19" else 3 if cholesterol="5.2-6.19" else 4 if cholesterol="6.2-7.2" else 5}{endif}{=cholesterolrisk}
Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg): {formmenu: <120; 120-129; 130-139; 140-149; 150-159; 160+; name=systolicbp} {formmenu: Not Treated; Treated; name=bptreated} -- Risk Points: {if: gender="male"}{if: bptreated="Not Treated"}{systolicbprisk=-2 if systolicbp="<120" else 0 if systolicbp="120-129" else 1 if systolicbp="130-139" else 2 if systolicbp="140-149" else 2 if systolicbp="150-159" else 3}{elseif: bptreated="Treated"}{systolicbprisk=0 if systolicbp="<120" else 2 if systolicbp="120-129" else 3 if systolicbp="130-139" else 4 if systolicbp="140-149" else 4 if systolicbp="150-159" else 5}{endif}{elseif: gender="female"}{if: bptreated="Not Treated"}{systolicbprisk=-3 if systolicbp="<120" else 0 if systolicbp="120-129" else 1 if systolicbp="130-139" else 2 if systolicbp="140-149" else 4 if systolicbp="150-159" else 5}{elseif: bptreated="Treated"}{systolicbprisk=-1 if systolicbp="<120" else 2 if systolicbp="120-129" else 3 if systolicbp="130-139" else 5 if systolicbp="140-149" else 6 if systolicbp="150-159" else 7}{endif}{endif}{=systolicbprisk}
Smoker? {formmenu: no; yes; name=smoker} -- Risk Points: {smokerrisk=4 if (gender="male" and smoker="yes") else 0 if (gender="male" and smoker="no") else 3 if (gender="female" and smoker="yes") else 0}{=smokerrisk}
Diabetes? {formmenu: no; yes; name=diabetes} -- Risk Points: {diabetesrisk="statin-indicated condition" if diabetes="yes" else 0}{=diabetesrisk}
Total Points: {totalpoints=agerisk+hdlcrisk+cholesterolrisk+systolicbprisk+smokerrisk}{=totalpoints}
10-Year CVD Risk %: {if: gender="male"}{tenyearcvdrisk="<1" if totalpoints<-2 else 1.1 if totalpoints=-2 else 1.4 if totalpoints=-1 else 1.6 if totalpoints=0 else 1.9 if totalpoints=1 else 2.3 if totalpoints=2 else 2.8 if totalpoints=3 else 3.3 if totalpoints=4 else 3.9 if totalpoints=5 else 4.7 if totalpoints=6 else 5.6 if totalpoints=7 else 6.7 if totalpoints=8 else 7.9 if totalpoints=9 else 9.4 if totalpoints=10 else 11.2 if totalpoints=11 else 13.3 if totalpoints=12 else 15.6 if totalpoints=13 else 18.4 if totalpoints=14 else 21.6 if totalpoints=15 else 25.3 if totalpoints=16 else 29.4 if totalpoints=17 else ">30" if totalpoints>17 else ""}{elseif: gender="female"}{tenyearcvdrisk="<1" if totalpoints<-2 else "<1" if totalpoints=-2 else 1 if totalpoints=-1 else 1.2 if totalpoints=0 else 1.5 if totalpoints=1 else 1.7 if totalpoints=2 else 2 if totalpoints=3 else 2.4 if totalpoints=4 else 2.8 if totalpoints=5 else 3.3 if totalpoints=6 else 3.9 if totalpoints=7 else 4.5 if totalpoints=8 else 5.3 if totalpoints=9 else 6.3 if totalpoints=10 else 7.3 if totalpoints=11 else 8.6 if totalpoints=12 else 10 if totalpoints=13 else 11.7 if totalpoints=14 else 13.7 if totalpoints=15 else 15.9 if totalpoints=16 else 18.51 if totalpoints=17 else 21.5 if totalpoints=18 else 24.8 if totalpoints=19 else 27.5 if totalpoints=20 else ">30" if totalpoints>20 else ""}{endif}{=tenyearcvdrisk}
Heart Age (in years): {if: gender="male"}{heartage="<30" if totalpoints<0 else 30 if totalpoints=0 else 32 if totalpoints=1 else 34 if totalpoints=2 else 36 if totalpoints=3 else 38 if totalpoints=4 else 40 if totalpoints=5 else 42 if totalpoints=6 else 45 if totalpoints=7 else 48 if totalpoints=8 else 51 if totalpoints=9 else 54 if totalpoints=10 else 57 if totalpoints=11 else 60 if totalpoints=12 else 64 if totalpoints=13 else 68 if totalpoints=14 else 72 if totalpoints=15 else 76 if totalpoints=16 else ">80" if totalpoints>16 else ""}{elseif: gender="female"}{heartage="<30" if totalpoints<1 else 31 if totalpoints=1 else 34 if totalpoints=2 else 36 if totalpoints=3 else 49 if totalpoints=4 else 42 if totalpoints=5 else 45 if totalpoints=6 else 48 if totalpoints=7 else 51 if totalpoints=8 else 55 if totalpoints=9 else 59 if totalpoints=10 else 64 if totalpoints=11 else 68 if totalpoints=12 else 73 if totalpoints=13 else 79 if totalpoints=14 else ">80" if totalpoints>14 else ""}{endif}{=heartage}
Overall Risk Level
Age: {formmenu: 30-34; 35-39; 40-44; 45-49; 50-54; 55-59; 60-64; 65-69; 70-74; 75+; name=age} -- Risk Points: {if: gender="male"}{agerisk=0 if age="30-34" else 2 if age="35-39" else 5 if age="40-44" else 7 if age="45-49" else 8 if age="50-54" else 10 if age="55-59" else 11 if age="60-64" else 12 if age="65-69" else 14 if age="70-74" else 15}{elseif: gender="female"}{agerisk=0 if age="30-34" else 2 if age="35-39" else 4 if age="40-44" else 5 if age="45-49" else 7 if age="50-54" else 8 if age="55-59" else 9 if age="60-64" else 10 if age="65-69" else 11 if age="70-74" else 12}{endif}{=agerisk}
HDL-C (mmol/L): {formmenu: >1.6; 1.3-1.6; 1.2-1.29; 0.9-1.19; <0.9; name=hdlc} -- Risk Points: {hdlcrisk=-2 if hdlc=">1.6" else -1 if hdlc="1.3-1.6" else 0 if hdlc="1.2-1.29" else 1 if hdlc="0.9-1.19" else 2}{=hdlcrisk}
Total Cholesterol: {formmenu: <4.1; 4.1-5.19; 5.2-6.19; 6.2-7.2; >7.2; name=cholesterol} -- Risk Points: {if: gender="male"}{cholesterolrisk=0 if cholesterol="<4.1" else 1 if cholesterol="4.1-5.19" else 2 if cholesterol="5.2-6.19" else 3 if cholesterol="6.2-7.2" else 4}{elseif: gender="female"}{cholesterolrisk=0 if cholesterol="<4.1" else 1 if cholesterol="4.1-5.19" else 3 if cholesterol="5.2-6.19" else 4 if cholesterol="6.2-7.2" else 5}{endif}{=cholesterolrisk}
Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg): {formmenu: <120; 120-129; 130-139; 140-149; 150-159; 160+; name=systolicbp} {formmenu: Not Treated; Treated; name=bptreated} -- Risk Points: {if: gender="male"}{if: bptreated="Not Treated"}{systolicbprisk=-2 if systolicbp="<120" else 0 if systolicbp="120-129" else 1 if systolicbp="130-139" else 2 if systolicbp="140-149" else 2 if systolicbp="150-159" else 3}{elseif: bptreated="Treated"}{systolicbprisk=0 if systolicbp="<120" else 2 if systolicbp="120-129" else 3 if systolicbp="130-139" else 4 if systolicbp="140-149" else 4 if systolicbp="150-159" else 5}{endif}{elseif: gender="female"}{if: bptreated="Not Treated"}{systolicbprisk=-3 if systolicbp="<120" else 0 if systolicbp="120-129" else 1 if systolicbp="130-139" else 2 if systolicbp="140-149" else 4 if systolicbp="150-159" else 5}{elseif: bptreated="Treated"}{systolicbprisk=-1 if systolicbp="<120" else 2 if systolicbp="120-129" else 3 if systolicbp="130-139" else 5 if systolicbp="140-149" else 6 if systolicbp="150-159" else 7}{endif}{endif}{=systolicbprisk}
Smoker? {formmenu: no; yes; name=smoker} -- Risk Points: {smokerrisk=4 if (gender="male" and smoker="yes") else 0 if (gender="male" and smoker="no") else 3 if (gender="female" and smoker="yes") else 0}{=smokerrisk}
Diabetes? {formmenu: no; yes; name=diabetes} -- Risk Points: {diabetesrisk="statin-indicated condition" if diabetes="yes" else 0}{=diabetesrisk}
Total Points: {totalpoints=agerisk+hdlcrisk+cholesterolrisk+systolicbprisk+smokerrisk}{=totalpoints}
10-Year CVD Risk %: {if: gender="male"}{tenyearcvdrisk="<1" if totalpoints<-2 else 1.1 if totalpoints=-2 else 1.4 if totalpoints=-1 else 1.6 if totalpoints=0 else 1.9 if totalpoints=1 else 2.3 if totalpoints=2 else 2.8 if totalpoints=3 else 3.3 if totalpoints=4 else 3.9 if totalpoints=5 else 4.7 if totalpoints=6 else 5.6 if totalpoints=7 else 6.7 if totalpoints=8 else 7.9 if totalpoints=9 else 9.4 if totalpoints=10 else 11.2 if totalpoints=11 else 13.3 if totalpoints=12 else 15.6 if totalpoints=13 else 18.4 if totalpoints=14 else 21.6 if totalpoints=15 else 25.3 if totalpoints=16 else 29.4 if totalpoints=17 else ">30" if totalpoints>17 else ""}{elseif: gender="female"}{tenyearcvdrisk="<1" if totalpoints<-2 else "<1" if totalpoints=-2 else 1 if totalpoints=-1 else 1.2 if totalpoints=0 else 1.5 if totalpoints=1 else 1.7 if totalpoints=2 else 2 if totalpoints=3 else 2.4 if totalpoints=4 else 2.8 if totalpoints=5 else 3.3 if totalpoints=6 else 3.9 if totalpoints=7 else 4.5 if totalpoints=8 else 5.3 if totalpoints=9 else 6.3 if totalpoints=10 else 7.3 if totalpoints=11 else 8.6 if totalpoints=12 else 10 if totalpoints=13 else 11.7 if totalpoints=14 else 13.7 if totalpoints=15 else 15.9 if totalpoints=16 else 18.51 if totalpoints=17 else 21.5 if totalpoints=18 else 24.8 if totalpoints=19 else 27.5 if totalpoints=20 else ">30" if totalpoints>20 else ""}{endif}{=tenyearcvdrisk}
Heart Age (in years): {if: gender="male"}{heartage="<30" if totalpoints<0 else 30 if totalpoints=0 else 32 if totalpoints=1 else 34 if totalpoints=2 else 36 if totalpoints=3 else 38 if totalpoints=4 else 40 if totalpoints=5 else 42 if totalpoints=6 else 45 if totalpoints=7 else 48 if totalpoints=8 else 51 if totalpoints=9 else 54 if totalpoints=10 else 57 if totalpoints=11 else 60 if totalpoints=12 else 64 if totalpoints=13 else 68 if totalpoints=14 else 72 if totalpoints=15 else 76 if totalpoints=16 else ">80" if totalpoints>16 else ""}{elseif: gender="female"}{heartage="<30" if totalpoints<1 else 31 if totalpoints=1 else 34 if totalpoints=2 else 36 if totalpoints=3 else 49 if totalpoints=4 else 42 if totalpoints=5 else 45 if totalpoints=6 else 48 if totalpoints=7 else 51 if totalpoints=8 else 55 if totalpoints=9 else 59 if totalpoints=10 else 64 if totalpoints=11 else 68 if totalpoints=12 else 73 if totalpoints=13 else 79 if totalpoints=14 else ">80" if totalpoints>14 else ""}{endif}{=heartage}
Overall Risk Level
Risk Level | Initiate Treatment If: | Primary Target (LDL-C) | Alternate Target |
{if: ((gender="male" and totalpoints>14) or (gender="female" and totalpoints>17)) and diabetesrisk=0}High FRS >=20% | • Consider treatment in all (Strong, High) | • ≤2 mmol/L or ≥50% decrease in LDL-C (Strong, Moderate) | • Apo B ≤0.8 g/L or • Non-HDL-C ≤2.6 mmol/L (Strong, High){endif} |
{if: (gender="male" and (totalpoints>10 and totalpoints<15)) or (gender="female" and (totalpoints>12 and totalpoints<18)) and diabetesrisk=0}Intermediate FRS 10-19% | • LDL-C ≥3.5 mmol/L (Strong, Moderate) • For LDL-C <3.5 mmol/L consider if: • Apo B ≥1.2 g/L • OR Non-HDL-C ≥4.3 mmol/L (Strong, Moderate) • Men ≥50 and women ≥60 with 1 risk factor: low HDL-C, impaired fasting glucose, high waist circumference, smoker, hypertension | • ≤2 mmol/L or ≥50% decrease in LDL-C (Strong, Moderate) | • Apo B ≤0.8 g/L or • Non-HDL-C ≤2.6 mmol/L (Strong, Moderate){endif} |
{if: (gender="male" and totalpoints<11 and diabetesrisk=0) OR (gender="female" and totalpoints<13 and diabetesrisk=0)}Low FRS <10% | • statins generally not indicated | • statins generally not indicated | • statins generally not indicated{endif} |
{if: diabetesrisk<>0}Statin-indicated conditions | • Clinical atherosclerosis • Abdominal aortic aneurysm • Diabetes mellitus Age ≥ 40 years 15-Year duration for age ≥ 30 years (DM1) Microvascular disease • Chronic kidney disease (age ≥ 50 years) eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 or ACR > 3 mg/mmol | | {endif} |
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