Gestational Age and Expected Day of Delivery (EDD) Calculators
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Gestational Age Bases on Estimated Due-Date Calculator
This calculator helps you quickly get a gestational age (GA) based on the estimated due-date (EDD).
The calculation performed is:
- Assumed Last Menstrual Period (LMP) = Expected Day of Delivery (EDD) - 280 days.
- Gestational Age = days between today and LMP.
GA Calculator
EDD: {formdate: YYYY-MMM-DD; name=EDD}
{LMP=({time: YYYY-MMM-DD; at={=EDD}; shift=-280D; pattern=YYYY-MMM-DD})}{GA=datetimediff({time: YYYY-MM-DD; at={=LMP}; pattern=YYYY-MMM-DD}, {time: YYYY-MM-DD}, "D")}GA: {=floor(GA/7)} weeks {=remainder(GA,7)} days
Expected Day of Delivery (EDD) Based on Gestational Age at Ultrasound
This calculator calculates the expected day of delivery (EDD) based on the Gestational Age determined at an ultrasound.
The calculation performed is:
- Last Menstrual Period (LMP) = ultrasound date minus the gestational age at the ultrasound.
- The due date (or expected date of delivery, EDD) = LMP plus 280 days.
GA Calculator
US (ultrasound) date: {formdate: YYYY-MMM-DD; name=us_date}
GA (gestational age) at US: {formtext: name=weeks}w {formtext: name=days}d
{TOTAL_DAYS=(weeks * 7) + days}{LMP=({time: YYYY-MMM-DD; at={=us_date}; shift=-{=TOTAL_DAYS}D; pattern=YYYY-MMM-DD})}
EDD (expected day of delivery): {=({time: YYYY-MMM-DD; at={=LMP}; shift=+280D; pattern=YYYY-MMM-DD})}
Thanks to our user @doc_krieger for contributing to this post
THIS INFORMATION IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE CLINICAL JUDGMENT OR GUIDE INDIVIDUAL PATIENT CARE IN ANY MANNER. These are examples for how Text Blaze can be used to perform any calculation anywhere.
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