Smoking Pack Years Note Template for EMRs
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Tobacco Use Patient Notes
This snippet, or dot phrase template, allows you to quickly take notes regarding a patient that uses/used tobacco products. Enter the patient's age, sex, and tobacco use specifics to generate the note. Certain criteria, such as an age over 65 combined with a history of smoking, will automatically add additional notes.
Tobacco Use Notes
{note: trim=yes}Please enter the following information about the patient:
Age (number of years): {formtext: name=Age}
Sex: {formmenu: default=; female; male; name=sex}
{endnote: trim=left}
{formtoggle: name=tobacco or nicotine use now or in the past; default=no; trim=left}
- The patient reports {formtext: name=packyears} pack years of tobacco use{endformtoggle: trim=left} {note: trim=right}{if: `tobacco or nicotine use now or in the past`=="Yes"; trim=yes}When was the tobacco/nicotine use?{formmenu: default=; now; quit less than 15 years ago; quit more than 15 years ago; name=tobacco; trim=right}{endif: trim=yes}{endnote: trim=yes} {if: tobacco=="now"; trim=left} - Current smoker: The patient was counseled on smoking/vaping cessation and methods to improve success with cessation.{endif: trim=left} {if: (age >=50 AND age<=80) AND (tobacco=="now" OR tobacco=="quit less than 15 years ago") AND packyears>=20; trim=left} - Increased risk of lung cancer: The patient was offered annual screening for lung cancer with low dose CT.{endif: trim=left} {if: (age >=65 AND age <=75) AND (tobacco=="now" OR tobacco=="quit less than 15 years ago" OR tobacco=="quit more than 15 years ago") AND sex=="male"; trim=left} - Increased risk of AAA: If lifetime cigarette use was more than 100 cigarettes, the patient was offered one-time screening ultrasound for abdominal aortic aneurysm.{endif: trim=left} {if: (tobacco=="quit less than 15 years ago" OR tobacco=="quit more than 15 years ago"); trim=left} - Patient congratulated on having quit smoking{endif: trim=left}
- The patient reports {formtext: name=packyears} pack years of tobacco use{endformtoggle: trim=left} {note: trim=right}{if: `tobacco or nicotine use now or in the past`=="Yes"; trim=yes}When was the tobacco/nicotine use?{formmenu: default=; now; quit less than 15 years ago; quit more than 15 years ago; name=tobacco; trim=right}{endif: trim=yes}{endnote: trim=yes} {if: tobacco=="now"; trim=left} - Current smoker: The patient was counseled on smoking/vaping cessation and methods to improve success with cessation.{endif: trim=left} {if: (age >=50 AND age<=80) AND (tobacco=="now" OR tobacco=="quit less than 15 years ago") AND packyears>=20; trim=left} - Increased risk of lung cancer: The patient was offered annual screening for lung cancer with low dose CT.{endif: trim=left} {if: (age >=65 AND age <=75) AND (tobacco=="now" OR tobacco=="quit less than 15 years ago" OR tobacco=="quit more than 15 years ago") AND sex=="male"; trim=left} - Increased risk of AAA: If lifetime cigarette use was more than 100 cigarettes, the patient was offered one-time screening ultrasound for abdominal aortic aneurysm.{endif: trim=left} {if: (tobacco=="quit less than 15 years ago" OR tobacco=="quit more than 15 years ago"); trim=left} - Patient congratulated on having quit smoking{endif: trim=left}
This snippet uses the note command, the formtext command, the formmenu command, the formtoggle command, and the if command.
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