Canned Response Messages For Business Owners & Customer Support
Copy templates to use them anywhere:
Canned responses are useful phrases that you can send to answer common questions from coworkers, clients, or customers.
These templates can be used to help you save time and quickly insert canned responses regardless of the place you're sending them or who you are responding to.
General Canned Responses
Out of Office Message
Thanks for the email. I'm OOO, but I'll get back to you ASAP.
Refer to Website
Thanks for your question. Check our website to learn more: {link:}Text Blaze{endlink}
Hi! How can I help you?
Canned Responses For Business Owners
Automated intro
Thanks for reaching out! We will get back to you within 24 hours.
Meeting Invite
Let's schedule a meeting to discuss. What times are you available?
Meeting Reminder
This is a reminder for our meeting today. Looking forward to talking with you!
I’ve attached our price list, you can find all prices here.
{formparagraph: name=pricing; default=Free Plan: $0, Pro Plan $2.99, Business Plan $6.99; cols=40}
{formparagraph: name=pricing; default=Free Plan: $0, Pro Plan $2.99, Business Plan $6.99; cols=40}
Canned Responses For Customer Support
Refund request
We received your request and cleared it from our end, You will get the refund in a few working days.
Customer Issue
We’re sorry to hear {formtext: name=customer issue; default=about your issue}. Here are some solutions that you can try to troubleshoot this:
{formparagraph: name=solutions; default=Turn your device off then back on, restart your device, sign out and sign back in.; cols=40}
{formparagraph: name=solutions; default=Turn your device off then back on, restart your device, sign out and sign back in.; cols=40}
Technical Issues
I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing some technical issues. Please check back in a few hours.
If you would like to set up an onboarding call for your team, please reply to this email and, we’ll set one up for free!
Issue Update
We're still working to resolve your issue. I'll reach out again in a few hours to update you on our progress.
Ticket Created
Thanks for reaching out. I've created a ticket for your request.
Close Ticket
I'm going to go ahead and mark this issue as resolved for you. If you still have unresolved concerns, share them in your reply to this email, and we'll figure out where to take things from there.
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