Follow-Up Messages
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More Information Needed
If a customer has a problem they need help with, you can use this snippet to request additional information, and you can insert the customer’s name and other information as necessary.
This snippet use the Form Text command to capture the customer's name, Form Paragraph command to capture additional information and the Form Toggle command for optional text that you can decide whether or not to include in real-time.
I’m sorry to hear about the issues you’re facing with {formmenu: Product X; default=Product Y; Product Z}. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and I’ll do everything to resolve your issue quickly.
{formtoggle: name=need more information; default=yes} To resolve your issue quickly and accurately, I need some information. Could you please tell me {formparagraph: name=required information}?{endformtoggle}
While I’m working on the issue on my end, here are some troubleshooting steps you can try by yourself. Let me know if any of these steps work: {formparagraph: name=troubleshooting steps}
Following Up on a Shipped Item
This snippet can be used for following up with a vendor or shipping party about the status of a package.
In this snippet, by entering a purchase date and a lead time, Text Blaze will automatically calculate the delivery date as well as how many days away from the delivery date it is. The snippet also uses the {if} command to ensure that the right language is used in different situations.
This is a ACME Order and was purchased on {formdate: DD MMM YYYY; default={time:DD MMM YYYY; shift=-7D}; name=purchasedOn} with a {formmenu: 3; default=5; 6; 7; 8; 10; 14; 21; name=deliverydays} day delivery lead time giving it a delivery date of {=`expected delivery`}.
You sent out an Email & SMS to the customer on the following date {note: preview=yes; insert=no}{formdate: DD/MM/YYYY; name=sentday}{endnote}{note: preview=no; insert=yes}{time: DD MMM; at={=sentday}}{endnote} which is {if: `message to order diff days` <=0}the same day{else}{=`message to order diff days`} days after the order.{endif}
The delivery date was due on {=`delivery due date`}. As you can see it should have been delivered{if: `days past delivery due` = 0} today.{else} {=`days past delivery due`} days ago.{endif}{note: trim=yes}{`message to order diff days`=datetimediff(datetimeparse(purchasedon, "DD MMM YYYY"), datetimeparse(sentday, "DD/MM/YYYY"), "D")}{`expected delivery`={time: DD MMM YYYY; at={=purchasedon}; shift=+{=deliverydays}D(skip=SAT, SUN); pattern=DD MMM YYYY}} {`delivery due date`={time: DD MMM YYYY; at={=purchasedon}; shift=+{=deliverydays}D(skip=SAT, SUN); pattern=DD MMM YYYY}}{`days past delivery due`=datetimediff(datetimeparse(`expected delivery`, "DD MMM YYYY"), {time: YYYY-MM-DD}, "D")}{endnote: trim=yes}