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Our top users save more than 28 hours per month

of characters are typed per month using Text Blaze
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How it works
Text Blaze works as a macOS app, Windows app, or Chrome Extension. It only takes a few clicks to get started!
Do you have a response you repeat often? Create a snippet for it! For example /ty for a thank you sentence.
Text Blaze works on MS Word, Outlook, Slack, Notion and wherever and in all your favorite apps.
Speed up your work on macOS

You can try /ty for a thank you letter.

Our app works on MS Word, Outlook, Slack, Notion and wherever else you may be.
You may know it as "auto text", "canned responses", "macros", "snippets" or "text expander".

Dynamic Snippets
Text Blaze supports forms and dynamic formulas to help you get work done faster. No need to juggle between different tools, because Text Blaze can do so much.

Share and Collaborate with your team
Share your templates with your colleagues. All your colleagues' templates update in real time.