Your Free AI Writing & Studying Assistant

Use AI anywhere to generate practice tests, summarize articles, take notes, and more.

Streamline studying and writing tasks with an AI assistant that works on any website.

Absolutely amazing. I dont know what I would do without this app.
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John Pia
Not enough words to explain how helpful AI Blaze is.
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Zachary Hoffman
Easy to use, fast, and thorough with good prompts.
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M Powell

Streamline Studying & Writing Tasks With AI Blaze

Answer questions anywhere

Hate having to open Google or ChatGPT to get an answer to a question? Use AI Blaze to get the answer to any question or homework problem right where you’re working. Get the answer to any question with just one click.

Summarize text, articles & PDFs

Generate summaries for any text, article, PDF, or website in any format you need it in.

Generate practice tests & quizzes

Give your study game a boost and use AI Blaze to generate practice tests and quizzes directly from your textbook. Grade your answers and get feedback to learn and study as you go.

Create effective study guides

Generate study guides on any subject directly from your textbook or notes to help you boost your study game and prepare for your next exam.

Write essays and thesis statements

Generate thesis statements, introductions, and conclusions for an essay or research paper.

Generate notes & citations

Quickly generate notes in any format directly from a textbook, article or PDF. Create APA or MLA citations for any article or website and copy it to use in your assignment in one click.

Write & polish text

Generate situationally-relevant text for emails, papers, or essays. Polish & rewrite text to improve your writing and communication in real-time.