Automate any workflow in any app
Create workflow templates (macros) and trigger them in any app using keyboard shortcuts. 10x your productivity.
Eliminate mindless typing, clicking, copy and pasting, and form filling. Save time and avoid mistakes.
500,000+ people use Text Blaze to end repetitive typing
Text Blaze saves top users over 28 hours per month

Characters are typed per month using Text Blaze
Avg. productivity increase when a snippet is used
Rating on the Chrome Webstore
Create automated sequences of typing and actions for any app.
Automatically move typed text, between fields, copy data, click buttons and select from dropdowns.
Assign a keyboard shortcut to the workflow and trigger it anywhere. Text Blaze works anywhere you work (learn more.)

Effortlessly copy data from any source.
Copy data from any source (the current page, other web pages or any app) and use it anywhere.
Automate form filling, webpage scraping, or any other workflow (learn more.)
Customize the workflow in real time with placeholders.
Add form fields to your workflow such as text boxes, drop-down menus, toggles and more to customize the workflow in real-time.
The ideal combination of automation and endless customization and control (learn more.)

Create a shared knowledge base.
Create a central hub for your team's workflows. Align on shared processes and workflows.
Personalize shared workflows by incorporating user information (learn more.)